American Cockroach
The American Cockroach also known as Waterbugs in Georgia is a common pest in households. This type of roach normally lives and lays eggs in the attic and comes down from the attic to search for food.
Info: The American Cockroach also known as Waterbugs in Georgia is a common pest in households. This type of roach normally lives and lays eggs in dark moist areas and come out of hiding places to forage for food
How we solve: Our trained technician solves American Roaches by using an interior and exterior a crack and crevice treatment to create a barrier that roaches will not want to cross. We also utilize a dust treatments and baits to stop future infestations.
German Cockroach
Info: The German Cockroach also known as the house roach. This type of roach is brought in from an outside source, for example, moving boxes, suitcases, furniture, grocery bags, packages.
How we solve: We solve German Roaches by treating areas where they hide which can be unseen by the homeowner for example behind the refrigerator, crevices inside cabinets, and under appliances.